
I wanted to write this blog to share everything my Maya went through on her path to becoming a tripawd. When I was dealing with this I did a lot of research trying to find people with dogs in similar situations. Hopefully her story can help someone else out.

WARNING: I felt photos were very good to see when I was struggling with this situation, so I am showing many photos, gruesome or not!

3 thoughts on “About”

  1. We were faced with a similar decision. My golden had nuerofibrosarcoma, grade 2 on her face, close to her eye. The tumor was removed, biopsy was malignant and the need for an additional surgery to get better margins was discussed. Like Mayas, all her other tests were healthy and she was only 6 years old. It’s been almost 2 years now and so far no more cancer. The hardest part is the CONSTANT worry of re-occurrence I appreciated as many pictures as possible when we were making that decision. I wish you all the best with your care and recovery! What a brave puppy! I think for me, this was one of the hardest things we did.

    1. I just realized I never mentioned we had to have her eye removed in the 2nd surgery because it was in that safe margin.

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